This quarter, we have introduced several new buyer signals and features to help sales and marketing teams hit their numbers. As outbound becomes more challenging, our latest releases focus on making it easier to generate warm pipeline and close deals faster. 

Champion Referrals: Scale Your Referral Program

Champion Referrals identifies which of your current customers used to work at one of your target accounts and automates outreach to ask for a referral. Customized and pre-built workflows allow you to dictate whether the referral ask should come from their CSM or the SDR team. 

Historically, scaling referral programs has been tough, but with Champion Referrals, your team can do it effortlessly. If you’ve got a lot of product champions and an existing referral program (or willingness to create one), this signal is for you. 

What to see how UserGems runs this play? Steal our playbook.

Intent: Know exactly who to target at your accounts showing intent

We also introduced an easy way to integrate intent data from platforms like 6sense or Demandbase to better prioritize accounts based on their conversion likelihood. But that’s not all—UserGems takes it a step further by automating outreach to the best prospects within those accounts using our people signals, such as Past Champions and New Hires.

Many teams struggle with intent data because, on its own, it often feels like noise—signals with no clear next step. The problem is that these data points lack person-level details, so teams don’t know who to reach out to. That’s where UserGems people signals make the difference, turning intent into actionable outreach by identifying the key contacts you should engage with and automating the next steps.

Multi-thread: Engage the Entire Buying Committee

Alongside Intent, we launched Multi-thread, a person-level signal designed to help you capture the entire buying committee at your target accounts without relying only on sales. On average, buying committees today can have 10 or more decision-makers, making it nearly impossible for sales teams to manually research and prospect each one.

Multi-thread automates this process by identifying the most relevant buyers within your key accounts and generates personalized messaging. When combined with an account-level signal like Intent, you’re not just focusing on accounts likely to convert—you’re engaging all the key decision-makers increasing your chances to drive the deal forward.

Learn more about how to stack Intent with people signals

Customer Competitors: Win Over Your Customers' Rivals

Customer Competitors, is another account level signal that automatically surfaces the competitors of your best customers. Once identified, UserGems automates the process of finding and messaging the most relevant prospects at these competitor accounts. We even generate custom messaging mentioning your customers in Outreach and SalesLoft without your reps having to navigate different tools.

Many online tools don’t accurately categorize competitors, often providing lookalike companies that aren’t true competitors resulting in outbound messages that fall flat. Plus, it’s impossible for reps to keep track of all their customers and their respective competitors to scale this proven sales play. 

Customer Competitors solves these challenges by automating everything—from finding the right accounts to generating tailored messaging that references their competition—giving your team a true edge in outreach.

Slack Actions: Do More Without Leaving Slack

We’ve taken our Slack integration to the next level with Slack Actions, adding new capabilities that make it easier for reps to take action directly from their Slack notifications. 

Tag reps in channels: Reps who need to take action are automatically tagged in Slack channels, increasing visibility for managers and teams.

Group DMs for strategic outreach: Facilitate group DMs, like connecting SDRs and CSMs, to coordinate and plan outreach to high-value leads—perfect for signals like Champion Referrals.

Send pre-built emails: Reps can send pre-built emails directly from Slack notifications, saving time and making outreach faster.

Add prospects to sequences: With just a click, add prospects to a sequence or cadence (Outreach and Salesloft) straight from Slack notifications.

By enabling reps to act on buying signals from within Slack, we’re making it easier for them to stay in their workflow. This means less friction and more efficiency for everyone.

UserGems Workflows Now Support Hubspot

Workflows now fully support HubSpot customers, bringing the same powerful automation we offer for Salesforce to HubSpot. Here’s what you can do with UserGems Workflows:

  • Routing: Automatically route leads and prospects to the right reps
  • Assignment:Assign contacts to team members, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Slack and Email notifications: Send instant notifications to reps about new leads, buying signals, or actions they need to take.
  • Add to sequence (Salesloft and Outreach): Add prospects to sequences or cadences in Salesloft and Outreach

New Workflow Actions for Salesforce

For our Salesforce users, we’ve added two new workflow actions to make managing leads and tasks even easier:

Add lead or contact to a campaign: Automatically add leads or contacts to Salesforce campaigns based on triggers from UserGems buying signals.

Generate a Salesforce task: Create Salesforce tasks for your reps, ensuring they follow up on important leads or take action on key signals right on time.

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UserGems Announces New Buying Signal to Automate Referral Intros
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