
Signals without action, is just noise

Use our pre-built workflows (or customize) to help your team act on signals consistently, and stop missing any opportunities.

Workflow builder

Automate the next steps to drive adoption

Build workflows that automatically assign owners, tasks, and alerts so that your team knows exactly what to do with each signal.

Fully integrated with your tech stack. The actions will show up in their existing tools (e.g. CRM, Salesloft, etc.)

workflow library

Pre-built workflows and sequences

Choose from our library of proven signal-based workflows that you can use as-is or customize.

We'll generate cadences for each signal directly in your Salesloft/Outreach. No need to start from scratch.

These tested and proven playbooks have generated over $2 Billion in pipeline for hundreds of companies.

Reports & analytics

Track ROI and team’s adoption

Know how much pipeline and revenue is generated from each signal and where you can optimize.

Review how individual reps action on each signals to provide timely coaching.

Receive weekly and monthly email updates on your team's performance and pipeline impacts.


Want to get more pipeline with less work?