Power-up your pipeline

Signals are data points or events that provide reasons for your team to engage with specific prospects and accounts. How do signals impact pipeline generation?

We analyzed 4.2 million target accounts, 2.28 million opportunities, and consulted with 30+ revenue leaders to uncover signal benchmarks for GTM. Including perspectives from...

key takeaways

In this report:

Why pipeline generation is in hard mode

It takes more time, activities, and contacts to generate a new opportunity.

What revenue teams think about buying signals

Signals have gained traction and trust among GTM teams. Which ones work best?

Benchmarks for your signal-based plays

Find first-of-its-kind data about the efficacy of signals to make smarter GTM strategies.


It’s game over for spray and pray

Past UserGems research revealed that all roads lead to signal-based selling.

The solution for missing quota used to be to add more activities. But now outbound activities have reached unsustainable numbers and there’s nowhere left to go.

It takes 4x as many activities to book a meeting compared to 5 years ago.

Source: Insight Partners
5 years ago

The number of activities needed to book an outbound meeting in 2024 has quadrupled.

But that’s not the only change causing pipeline problems.

Increase in Average Days It Takes to Create a New Opportunity

Source: UserGems
Compared to 2020, it takes
longer to create a new opportunity

Increase in Average Opportunity Duration (Deal Cycles)

Source: UserGems
1.97M opportunities analyzed
Deal cycles have gotten
longer compared to 2020

Average contacts needed for opportunity creation

Source: UserGems
Reps need to contact
more prospects to create an opportunity compared to 2020

It takes 3x longer to create new opportunities than four years ago, and reps have to contact 1.5x more prospects to create a new opportunity.

And no, you’re not the only one feeling time drag on. Since 2020, companies have seen the length of deal cycles increase by 66% (and you can expect this number to keep trending up and to the right).

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