Demand generation is at the heart of every B2B marketing strategy, but it's far from a straightforward task.

From defining your ideal customer profile to making sure your marketing and sales teams are on the same page, the journey to pulling in high-quality leads is full of challenges. Data quality issues, misaligned efforts, and the struggle to nurture leads are just a few of the pain points that can slow down your success. 

In this article, we’ll share the best B2B demand generation tactics and actionable strategies to help you overcome challenges and drive better results for your business.

1. Get clear on your ideal customer profile

Before you can run demand generation campaigns or use any sales prospecting tools, you must clearly understand your ideal customer profile (ICP). 

A well-defined ICP allows you to focus marketing efforts on the right audience, improve lead quality by attracting prospects more likely to convert, and may increase sales efficiency.

Ask yourself:

  • What are your ICP’s goals? 
  • What challenges are they facing? 
  • What pain point does your product/service solve for them and how?
  • What are the most common job titles that your ICPs have?  

You’ll notice these questions go beyond mere demographics — they’ll help you understand the types of people most likely to benefit from your product. Once you know who you should target, use sales intelligence software like UserGems to curate lists of accounts matching your ICP's characteristics. 

Steps to define your ICP:

  1. Identify your most profitable clients and conduct interviews to understand their needs and pain points.
  2. Analyze industry trends, study competitors, and gather customer feedback through surveys.
  3. Define your ideal customer based on firmographics, technographics, challenges, goals, and buying process.
  4. Check if your sales pipeline aligns with the ICP, gather customer feedback, and test different marketing approaches.
  5. Review your ICP regularly to adjust it as your product grows and the market changes.

Here’s an example:

  • Company size: Mid-sized B2B tech companies with 100-500 employees
  • Industry: Software, technology, or related sectors
  • Revenue: Between $10M-$50M annually
  • Challenges: Struggles with lead nurturing, low conversion rates, and ineffective email marketing campaigns
  • Goals: Improve lead gen, increase sales pipeline, and enhance customer engagement
  • Buying process: Marketing and sales decision-makers involved in the evaluation and purchasing process

2. Use buyer intent data to run smarter demand generation campaigns

B2B prospecting tools identify purchase triggers where your ICP will most likely buy. Focusing on these triggers, when an SDR or AE reaches out, can help initiate a meaningful conversation and move prospects through the sales funnel.

One powerful purchase trigger is job changes. At UserGems, we’ve observed that 20-30% of people change jobs every year across various industries and job functions. This trend is significant for your customers, product users, leads, and more.

This means that at least 20% of your B2B customers are already at new companies, and 20% more will change in the next year. There’s a good chance they’ll purchase your product again.

Using UserGem’s track job changes feature is an ideal demand generation tactic that can help your B2B demand generation strategy by: 

  • Building steady leads with high buying intent
  • Hitting your revenue contribution target
  • Keeping your lead list healthy

For instance, our customer, Smartling, focuses on warm leads with our job change feature to optimize its sales strategy and hit 44X ROI in 11 months. 

Buyer intent data enables you to target the right prospects at the right time, personalize the way you reach out to them, improve lead quality by attracting active buyers, and speed up sales cycles by engaging with prospects already in the consideration phase.

Steps to use buyer intent data:

  1. Determine actions or behaviors that indicate a potential customer is actively considering a purchase, such as website visits, content downloads, webinar attendance, or demo requests.
  2. Collect data from website analytics, CRM, marketing automation platforms, and third-party intent data providers. Analyze this data to identify patterns and trends in buyer behavior.
  3. Create targeted audience segments based on buyer intent signals. For example, you might segment prospects into groups based on their engagement, such as high-intent, medium-intent, and low-intent.
  4. Tailor your content and messaging to each buyer intent segment. High-intent prospects might receive product demos or case studies, while medium-intent prospects could receive informative content or webinars.
  5. Use buyer intent data to optimize your marketing channels. For example, you can prioritize paid advertising for high-intent prospects and focus on content marketing for medium-intent prospects.
  6. Track the performance of your demand gen campaigns and adjust your strategies based on the results. Continuously analyze buyer intent data to refine your targeting and messaging.

Example: A company offering cloud storage solutions might use intent data to identify companies that are searching for terms like "secure cloud storage," "data backup solutions," or "cloud migration services." They can target these companies with relevant content, offers, and advertising.

Pro Tip: This strategy isn’t just for prospecting new customers. You can also monitor customer job changes to increase the likelihood of generating new business when one of your existing customers moves to a new job.

3. Create an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy

ABM can help you increase deal size by focusing on larger, strategic accounts, shorten sales cycles through stronger relationships with key decision-makers, and boost ROI by allocating resources to the most promising accounts.

If your average contract value is over $10,000, an account-based marketing strategy can lead to more focus and better results for your sales and marketing teams. 

Instead of the spray-and-pray approach to everyone who might want to use your product, focus on getting in front of a segment of high-value strategic accounts. Sales intelligence tools like UserGems show the most opportune times to reach out to these people. 

For instance, UserGems’ customer, Gem, appreciates how easy and low maintenance it is to run: “[UserGems] just works the way it’s supposed to. It’s 'set it and forget it.' It’s been great for me compared to other tools where I always have to put out a fire somewhere.”

An ABM strategy that delivers significant results for your business may include the following steps:

  1. Outline the roles and responsibilities of sales and marketing teams to ensure efficient execution.
  2. Choose a platform that aligns with your ABM goals and budget and offers features like account profiling, personalized messaging, and analytics. Ensure seamless integration with your CRM, marketing automation, and other relevant tools.
  3. Develop integrated campaigns using email, direct mail, social media, and personalized outreach. Track campaign performance and make adjustments to optimize results.
  4. Build relationships with key decision-makers within target accounts through personalized interactions and valuable content. Deliver outstanding customer experiences to build trust and loyalty.
  5. Monitor ABM performance using account engagement, pipeline contribution, and ROI metrics. Use data insights to refine your ABM strategy and improve results over time.

Example: An enterprise software company might identify 10 key accounts that fit its ideal customer profile. It then develops personalized campaigns for each account, including targeted content, events, and direct outreach.

4. Send direct mail campaigns

Direct mail is another great B2B demand generation tactic as part of an ABM strategy.  It can stand out in a crowded inbox, create a lasting impression, build personal connections, and drive prospects to take the next step in the buyer's journey.

UserGems allows you to select the leads in your target accounts to receive direct mail and personalized notes. This process can be automated with software like Alyce, Sendoso, and PFL. Or you could get a team member to buy the gifts, truck them all to the post office, and send them off.

We repeatedly hear that direct emails—paired with timely email outreach—produce the highest conversion rate, especially if sent to previous customers.  

When sending direct mail, here are some tips to help you stand out if your prospects work remotely:

  • Send direct mail to their home address instead of to the main office. While you can probably find this information online, we recommend asking your prospect if they're comfortable sharing it first. 
  • Be different. We've seen great responses when gifts are more creative and thoughtful. For example, you can send donuts and coffee to a team before the end of the month or quarter if the buyer is a sales/marketing leader or donate to a local non-profit on the prospect's behalf. 
  • Send direct mail to mid-level prospects that might be more responsive. Sending some company swag to a busy COO or CEO is more likely to be ignored than sending it to a mid-level manager.   

Example: A B2B cybersecurity firm might send a branded coffee mug and a handwritten note thanking a potential customer for attending a recent webinar. The note could include a personalized call to action, such as inviting the prospect to schedule a demo.

5. Nurture prospects with personalized drip campaigns

Another demand generation tactic you can use is complementing your direct mail with a personalized email campaign, which is the best way to re-engage prospects. 

Drip campaigns help keep your brand in front of prospects, educate them with valuable information, nurture relationships into qualified leads, and guide them through the sales funnel to drive conversions.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel since you can use your existing content for these drip emails. Plus, you must sync the new batch of UserGems leads monthly to your marketing automation for email nurturing. 

Since UserGems also links to the prospect’s previous information (e.g., previous account, previous title, and any information captured in your CRM), you can use this information in your email templates for more personalized messaging.

That exact playbook that Mixpanel used to source 30+ opportunities and hit 14x ROI within 13 months.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to nurture prospects with personalized drip campaigns:

  1. Define campaign goals, determine email frequency, and design a logical flow of emails that delivers value and moves prospects through the buyer's journey.
  2. Integrate UserGems and marketing automation platform. Configure your marketing automation platform to automatically send emails based on predefined triggers and conditions. Assign scores to leads based on their interactions with your emails to prioritize follow-up efforts.
  3. Monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and lead generation. 
  4. Use the A/B method to test different subject lines, email content, and sending times. Continuously analyze campaign data to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.

Example of drip campaign structure:

  • Welcome email: Introduce yourself and your company, offer a valuable resource, and invite the prospect to connect on social media.
  • Educational content: Share relevant content that addresses the prospect's pain points and positions your company as an expert.
  • Customer success story: Highlight how your product or service has helped similar companies achieve their goals.
  • Limited-time offer or webinar invitation: Create a sense of urgency and encourage engagement.
  • Sales handover: Pass qualified leads to the sales team with detailed information about their interests and engagement.

Example: A B2B software company might send a drip campaign to prospects who have downloaded a white paper. The campaign might start with a thank-you email, followed by emails that provide additional resources, case studies, and invitations to webinars. The final email might offer a free trial or demo.

6. Run retargeting campaigns

Marketing needs to be omnichannel to stay on top of mind and convert. That means using multiple demand generation tactics at once. 

Retargeting campaigns can increase brand awareness by keeping your brand in front of prospects, improve conversion rates, and maximize ROI.

Here is how you’ll do it:

  1. Select the platforms where your target audience is most active (Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.). Consider each platform's targeting options, ad formats, and performance metrics.
  2. Create ad copy and visuals that resonate with each segment's needs and interests. Encourage desired actions (e.g., visiting the website, downloading content, or requesting a demo).
  3. Set up retargeting campaigns: some text
    1. Clearly outline goals (e.g., website traffic, lead generation, conversions)
    2. Specify audience segments, demographics, interests, and behaviors
    3. Determine where your ads will appear (e.g., search results, social feeds, websites)
    4. Select a bidding method that aligns with your campaign goals (e.g., maximum CPC, target CPA)
  4. Regularly analyze key metrics (impressions, clicks, conversions, cost per acquisition) and adjust audience segments, ad copy, and placements to identify the most effective version of retargeting ads.

Example: A B2B software company might run a retargeting campaign to people who have visited their pricing page but haven't requested a demo. The ads could highlight the software's benefits or offer a discount on the first purchase.

Pro Tip: LinkedIn requires at least 310 identified contacts to create a custom audience. The great news is that LinkedIn's match rate (from work email addresses to LinkedIn profiles) is now more than 90%, which means you can target almost everyone you're emailing with LinkedIn ads.

7. Make sure sales and marketing are aligned

Sales and marketing alignment can improve lead quality, shorten sales cycles, increase revenue by working toward common goals, and boost employee morale through enhanced collaboration.

Many organizations struggle with alignment between these teams. Often, the marketing team advertises to one account while the sales team goes after another.

UserGems provides two buying-intent signals to help both teams align on the ABM account list:

  • if any of your accounts has a previous buyer or
  • recently hired a new executive that matches your persona

This is a useful demand generation tactic for sales reps. They know these are the top 2 buying triggers where leads are more likely to buy in. We also provide prospects' email addresses and an easy way for sales reps to add them to sequences, ensuring that your sales team goes after the right prospects and accounts.

Here are five ways to get your sales and marketing teams aligned:

  • Make sure marketers listen to or join sales calls
  • Both teams MUST agree on one definition of your target market
  • Proactively work towards finding and removing silos in workflows
  • Hold regular joint marketing and sales standups or meetings
  • Encourage difficult conversations

Example: A B2B software company might hold weekly meetings between sales and marketing teams to discuss lead quality, campaign performance, and upcoming initiatives. They might also develop a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that outlines specific expectations and metrics for both teams.

8. Optimize your lead nurturing process

A well-optimized lead nurturing process is essential for converting prospects into customers. Lead nurturing can educate prospects with valuable information, build credibility, and help qualify the most promising leads.

Focus on these key areas:

  • Create high-quality content that aligns with each lead stage in the buyer's journey. Use a variety of formats (e.g., ebooks, webinars, case studies) to cater to different learning preferences.
  • Ensure your emails reach the inbox by maintaining a clear list, crafting compelling subject lines, and monitoring sender reputation.
  • Accurately assess lead quality and prioritize follow-up efforts based on their level of engagement and fit.
  • Automate repetitive tasks like email sends and lead scoring to increase efficiency and save time for more strategic activities.
  • Continuously track key metrics (open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates) to identify areas for improvement. Experiment with different approaches through A/B testing to optimize your nurturing campaigns.

Example: A B2B marketing agency might use lead nurturing to educate prospects about marketing strategies and tactics. They might offer free webinars, ebooks, and templates that address specific pain points and challenges. As prospects engage with this content, the agency can identify the most qualified leads and tailor their outreach accordingly.

9. Refine your lead scoring process

Lead scoring helps prioritize leads, improve lead quality, increase conversion rates by delivering the right content at the right time, and align sales and marketing with a shared definition of a qualified lead. 

Key steps to refine your lead scoring process:

  • Incorporate data on lead behavior, such as website visits, email opens, and content downloads, to create a more dynamic scoring system.
  • Use machine learning algorithms to identify patterns in high-converting leads and predict the likelihood of conversion for new leads.
  • Regularly analyze your lead scoring model to ensure it accurately predicts lead quality. Based on performance data, make adjustments as needed.
  • Assign negative points for actions that indicate a decreased likelihood of conversion, such as unsubscribes or bounced emails.
  • Create multiple lead scores based on different criteria (e.g., purchase intent, budget, timeline) to provide more granular insights.

Example: A B2B sales outsourcing company might assign points to leads based on their job title, company size, industry, website activity, and email engagement. Leads with higher scores are considered more qualified and are prioritized for sales outreach.

10. Develop a personalized content strategy

Personalized content can increase engagement by capturing prospects' attention, build trust by addressing their specific challenges, drive conversions by moving them down the sales funnel, and improve customer satisfaction through a more relevant experience.

To develop a personalized content strategy:

  • Align content with different stages of the buyer's journey and specific audience segments.
  • Use customer data and analytics to understand behavior and preferences.
  • Create content modules that can be easily combined to create personalized experiences.
  • Consider using personalization platforms to automate content delivery and optimization.
  • Continuously experiment with different personalization tactics and measure their impact.

Example: A B2B software company might create personalized content for different industries. They might craft a case study showcasing how their software helped a healthcare company improve patient outcomes. In contrast, another case study might focus on how the software helped a manufacturing company streamline its supply chain.

11. Leverage social media

Social media is a powerful platform for building brand awareness, engaging with your audience, and generating leads. To effectively use social media for demand generation, focus on the following:

  • Define your target audience: Identify the social platforms where your target audience is most active.
  • Create high-quality content: Develop engaging content that aligns with your audience's interests and shares your brand's value proposition.
  • Build a strong community: Foster interactions by promptly responding to comments, messages, and questions.
  • Use social listening: Monitor conversations around your industry and brand to identify potential leads and opportunities.
  • Run targeted advertising campaigns: Use social media advertising to reach a wider audience and drive conversions.
  • Measure and analyze: Track key metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions to optimize your social media strategy.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Partner with influencers in your industry to reach a new audience and build credibility.

Example: A B2B software company might use LinkedIn to share thought leadership articles, participate in industry groups, and connect with potential customers. They might also use Twitter to share company news, promote webinars, and engage in conversations with industry influencers.

12. Build authority with event marketing

Event marketing can help you generate leads, build relationships with potential customers and peers, establish credibility as a thought leader, and gain valuable insights into industry trends and challenges.

Key strategies for building authority through events:

  • Select event formats that best suit your goals, such as conferences, webinars, workshops, or trade shows.
  • Develop engaging presentations, workshops, or panel discussions that showcase your expertise.
  • Position your company as an industry thought leader by featuring expert speakers and thought-provoking content.
  • Track key metrics such as attendance, lead generation, and post-event engagement to evaluate the success of your events.
  • Nurture relationships with event attendees by providing valuable content and additional support.

Example: A B2B cybersecurity company might host a webinar on the latest cybersecurity threats and trends. It might also sponsor a booth at a cybersecurity conference, where it can showcase its products and services and network with potential customers.

13. Integrate CRM and marketing automation

Integrating your CRM and marketing automation systems is essential for creating a seamless customer journey. Integration improves lead management, lead scoring, and sales productivity by syncing CRM and marketing automation data, allowing for personalized customer experiences. It also enhances reporting by providing a comprehensive view of marketing and sales performance.

To successfully integrate data between different systems, carefully map out data fields, establish clear workflows, and train your teams on the new processes. By optimizing this integration, you can significantly improve your demand generation efforts and drive business growth.

Example: A B2B software company might use their CRM to track lead interactions across different channels, such as website visits, email clicks, and webinar attendance. They might then use marketing automation to send targeted emails based on lead behavior and interests.

14. Partner with influencers to build trust and credibility

Influencer marketing helps you reach a wider audience, build credibility through the influencer's reputation, increase brand awareness, and generate leads by driving traffic to your website.

Here's how to make the most of influencer partnerships:

  • Choose influencers who align with your brand values and whose audience matches your target market.
  • Define specific goals for your influencer partnership, such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales.
  • Invite influencers to authentically showcase your product or service.
  • Track key metrics like engagement, reach, and conversions to evaluate the success of your partnerships.
  • Nurture relationships with influencers for ongoing collaborations and mutual benefits.

Example: A B2B SaaS company might partner with a popular industry blogger to create blog posts or webinars that discuss the challenges businesses face in their industry and how the company's software can help solve them.

15. Use search engine optimization (SEO) 

By optimizing your website and content for search engines, you can attract organic traffic, build brand authority, and generate qualified leads.

Steps to use SEO for demand generation:

  • Identify relevant keywords and phrases your target audience is searching for. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs can assist in this process.  
  • Optimize website content, including titles, headings, meta descriptions, and image alt text with target keywords. Ensure content is informative, engaging, and easy to read.
  • Improve website structure, speed, and mobile-friendliness. Technical SEO includes optimizing sitemaps, robots.txt, and handling broken links.
  • Develop high-quality, informative, and valuable content that addresses your target audience's needs and pain points.
  • Acquire backlinks from reputable websites to enhance your site's authority. Focus on building natural and relevant links.
  • Optimize your website for local search if you target a specific geographic area.
  • Monitor website traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates to measure SEO performance and make data-driven adjustments.

Example: A B2B software company specializing in accounting might optimize their website for keywords such as "accounting software for small businesses" or "cloud-based accounting software." They might also create blog posts and articles that address common accounting challenges and provide solutions.

Remember, SEO is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and optimization.

How to use UserGems for demand generation

UserGems is a powerful tool designed to help B2B companies generate demand by using their existing customer and prospect relationships. By capturing key signals such as job changes, social interactions, and new hires, it enables sales and marketing teams to:

  • Prioritize and act on the most relevant opportunities
  • Improve pipeline generation
  • Accelerate deals and
  • Prevent churn

Take a look at key features and sales activities made easy thanks to UserGems:

1. Track job changes

UserGems automatically tracks job changes of your customers, past users, and prospects. When someone from your network moves to a new company, UserGems alerts you, providing a warm lead opportunity. This is particularly valuable for maintaining relationships with past champions and users, ensuring you’re first to connect with them when they move to new roles that may influence purchasing decisions.

Pro tip: UserGems allows you to set up automated alerts for job changes. Reach out to the contact within the first few weeks of their new role when they will most likely evaluate new vendors and solutions.

2. Re-engage with previous customers

UserGems enables you to re-engage with past customers when they join new companies by tracking job changes. This can unlock a new pipeline of opportunities, as previous customers are three times more likely to convert than other leads.

Previous customers are familiar with your product or service, so they’re more likely to buy again—and faster. This can lead to a steady stream of high-quality leads with high buying intent.  

Pro tip: When reaching out to past customers at their new companies, offer a special discount, free trial, or exclusive content to entice them to re-engage. Highlight success stories from their previous company (if applicable) to demonstrate the value your product or service can bring to their new organization.

3. Build a steady stream of leads

UserGems monitors your CRM to identify job changes, new hires, and other significant signals, providing a steady stream of high-quality leads. These leads are often more receptive to your outreach as they already have a positive experience with your brand.  

This ensures that your pipeline remains full of potential opportunities without extensive manual research.

4. Hit your revenue contribution target

The platform’s ability to prioritize leads based on job changes and other signals lets your team focus on the most promising opportunities, helping you meet or exceed revenue targets more efficiently. UserGems also offers AI-driven suggestions on which accounts and personas to prioritize, further improving your sales outcomes.

New executives are likelier to invest in new solutions within their first 100 days. UserGems helps you capitalize on this window of opportunity.

5. Automate repeat business

With automated workflows, UserGems ensures that your sales team is promptly notified and ready to act when a past customer or champion moves to a new company. This automation streamlines the process of maintaining relationships and securing repeat business. It eliminates the need for manual tracking and ensures that you don't miss any opportunities.  

Pro tip: UserGems allows you to automate personalized email sequences and follow-up tasks for leads generated through job change alerts. Connect UserGems with tools like Outreach or Salesloft to streamline your sales outreach and follow-up.

6. Personalize your outreach

UserGems provides automated playbooks and templates that you can use to personalize your outreach to previous customers and prospects. It also integrates with tools like Salesloft and Outreach to automate and personalize email cadences based on real-time data, ensuring your outreach is timely and relevant.

7. Integrate with your existing CRM

UserGems seamlessly integrates with popular CRMs like Salesforce and HubSpot. This lets you easily track and manage your leads in one central location. This ensures your CRM is always up-to-date with the latest job changes and other critical data, reducing manual data entry and improving accuracy.

Pro tip: Use UserGems' integration capabilities to trigger personalized email campaigns or sales tasks based on specific lead actions or attributes.

8. Segment your audience

UserGems allows you to segment your contacts based on various criteria, such as job changes, company size, or organizational role. 

This segmentation enables more targeted marketing and sales efforts, focusing on the most valuable prospects and tailoring your approach to their specific needs.

B2B demand generation tactics FAQs

1. What is B2B demand generation?

B2B demand generation is a strategic approach to marketing and sales that focuses on creating interest and demand for a product or service among businesses. 

It involves attracting potential customers, educating them about the value proposition, and nurturing them through the sales funnel to become paying customers.

2. What’s the difference between demand generation vs. lead generation?

Demand generation creates a buzz around your brand and builds a potential customer base, while lead generation converts that audience into prospects ready to engage with sales.  

Both are essential for business growth. Demand generation lays the groundwork by attracting potential customers, while lead generation focuses on capturing and nurturing those leads to turn them into customers.  

3. What are the different types of demand generation?

Two main types of demand generation are inbound and outbound demand generation.

  • Inbound demand generation attracts potential customers through valuable content and SEO. By creating high-quality content that addresses their pain points and needs, businesses draw people to their website, build trust, and nurture leads over time. 
  • Outbound demand generation takes a proactive approach to reaching potential customers, often through direct interactions such as cold calling, email outreach, or targeted advertising. This strategy can be executed by both sales and marketing teams, working together to identify and engage high-potential leads. For example, marketing might develop targeted lists and messaging, while sales focuses on personalized outreach and relationship building. Outbound demand generation can also leverage external resources, like outsourced sales development teams, to scale efforts and accelerate lead generation.

4. How does B2B demand generation work?

B2B demand generation involves attracting, engaging, and nurturing potential business customers through sharing valuable content, targeted advertising, and optimized website experiences.

The goal is to build brand awareness and drive revenue growth by positioning the business as a solution to customer needs.

5. Benefits of B2B demand generation

B2B demand generation:

  • Increases brand awareness
  • Generates qualified leads
  • Builds a robust sales pipeline
  • Drives revenue growth
  • Improves marketing ROI

6. How do you measure demand generation?

You can measure demand generation through key metrics that fall into several categories:

  • Lead metrics: MQLs, SQLs, conversion rates, CPL
  • Sales & revenue: CAC, CLTV, revenue attributed to marketing, pipeline velocity
  • Website & content: Traffic, bounce rate, time on site, engagement
  • Other: Marketing cycle length, close rate, win rate

Optimize your B2B demand generation strategy with UserGems

As you can see, demand generation tactics are essential throughout the entire funnel, from brand positioning to closing deals and driving upsell and retention efforts. To effectively manage this process, you need a sales prospecting tool that can support you at every stage. 

UserGems takes your B2B demand generation to the next level by turning strategies into real, revenue-generating results. With automated job change tracking, lead prioritization, and real-time data, UserGems helps your sales team engage with high-value leads at the right moment, increasing your chances of closing deals.

Companies using UserGems have seen significant improvements in their pipeline, shorter sales cycles, and higher revenue. Don’t miss out on opportunities—stay ahead of the competition and consistently generate quality leads that convert into long-term customers.

Ready to try out UserGems? Schedule a demo today.

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