Meeting assistant
Capture and enrich contacts from your Calendar to Salesforce
Automatically create and enrich new contacts from your Calendar and add them to Salesforce, under the right Accounts and Opportunities. (Yes, even for meetings in the past too!)
How it works
Connect your Google Calendar &
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook
New contacts are created and enriched in Salesforce, and added to opportunities
Get daily updates in your inbox about who you’ll meet
Get monthly alerts of contacts that changed their jobs and their new contact info

No more copy-and-paste to Salesforce
UserGems creates new records in your Salesforce for the new contacts, assigns them to the right Accounts and adds them to existing Opportunities. Now you have more time back for selling.
We also retroactively capture contacts from meetings that have already happened to Salesforce. Say hello to the CRM hygiene that your RevOps always dreams of!