UserGems Team

Accelerate Deals with Past Champions

Close open opportunities faster by multithreading in a past champion. Deals with past champions also tend to be higher in ARR.

Key Signals
Past Champions

Playbook Overview


When should you run this playbook?

A Past Champion changed jobs and moved to a new company that is currently evaluating your solution (ie. an Open Opportunity)

Bringing the Past Champion into the existing evaluation will increase your win rate and higher contract size.


Who to target?


Playbook goal?


Responsible teams?

  • Sales team (Account Executives)

Past Champions joining current Open Opportunities can result in higher win rates and faster deal cycles, but oftentimes sales reps (AEs) don’t know how to find this information. And when they do find it, they aren’t quite sure how to use it.

Take a 2 step approach below to help your Sellers close faster and bigger deals by involving a Past Champion:

Step 1: Send notifications to the Opportunity Owner

We recommend setting up Notifications where Sales teams often work out of, like email, Slack or Teams, or CRM.

Below is an example in Slack.

Step 2: Prescribe what you want the Seller to do

The more prescriptive you are about what you want the AE/Seller to do and the easier you make it, the more likely they'll do it consistently.

For example: provide an email template directly from the Notification that the AE can send off.

In the UserGems app, we call this email template "Slack Actions" which allow Sales to fire off an email to the prospect directly from this Slack alert instead of navigating to another tool.

Reps click on "Send Email" to generate a personalized email template in their Gmail / Outlook
Example email template from the Slack alert

Pro Tip: Filter for only the most relevant Past Champions 

Disrupting deal cycles or adding more to your AE’s plates should only be done in certain scenarios.

We recommend filter for these 2 types of Past Champions who more likely have some influence over the Open Opportunity:

  • Past Closed Won Opp Contact: Person was directly involved in the purchase previously
  • High seniority: (Director or above) To bring someone above-the-line into your existing Opportunity.

Set Up This Playbook in UserGems

  1. Create an Audience of "Open Opportunity Accounts"
  2. Select Signals -> People -> Champions
  3. Create a "Accelerate Opps" workflow
  4. Select your email sequence or create Slack Notifications
  5. Save

Additional Resources


About the Author

UserGems Team

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