Recommended for
  • For: Sales Development, Account Executives, Marketing
  • Account is competitor of one of your customers
  • Account is ICP
  • This is written for leads who do NOT have a relationship with your company, but can be edited to include personalization for job changes or past relationships.

1. Send Slack notification to the SDR

Example Slack notification from UserGems:


💎 UserGems: New Customer Competitor Account💎

Heads up! There's activity happening in your target account because it's a competitor of one of our best customers.

Navigate to Outreach to complete your first task.


2. Enroll the contact to sequence 


Step 1 | Day 1 | Email

<div class="email-header">
<div>The way [your competitor] solves their biggest problem</div>

Hi {First Name},

[insert problem companies have that you’re solving for in a thought provoking way]

We’re working with teams at {{Customer Competitor}} who rely on {{My Company}} for [problem I solve] - this is their [insert stat about their success for example: this is their top channel for generating pipeline].

Interested in how this works?



Step 2 | Day 3 | LinkedIn Connection Request



Step 3 | Day 4 | Call

Voicemail: Hey, I sent you an email a few days ago and I'm reaching out now to see if it's relevant at all. The concept is [brief description about the product]. By the way, I'm ______ with {{My Company}}. Feel free to shoot me a text it's interesting, or if you want me to buzz off. My personal number is xxx-xxx-xxxx.



Step 4 | Day 6 | Reply Email

My favorite {{thing our product solves for}} So glad you asked, {{First Name}}.

Problem: {insert problem we solve for}

Most companies have {this problem with their process}{ {{Customer Competitors}} were one of those companies, but then they {{did this with my product}}.

{{!If this is a customer competitor with a case study then reference stats from the case study and link it. If there is no case study then reference the ROI/success metric of the customer competitor}

Worth checking it out?

ps- You can check out the full story here. {{!<--if there's a case study link it here}}



Step 5 | Day 8 | Call

Voicemail: Hey it's ______ with {My Company} give me a call back or point them in the direction of the case study email.


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