On this Keepin’ it 100, Trinity is joined by Dozie Anyaegbunam, Social & Content Marketer at UserGems, a software to help B2B revenue teams generate more revenue with buyer's trigger events.
Dozie has experience in public sector, multinationals, startups in both B2C and B2B. What’s the difference? There are plenty. So, in this episode, he focuses instead on one major similarity.
“We can put up all the funnels and try to use all the complex terms, but in the end, it's a human being who is going to make that decision.”
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Outside of UserGems, Dozie is also the Co-Founder and Community Lead at Not Enough Writers, a safe space for African writers to connect, develop capacity, vibe, and get access to writing opportunities.
Trinity: Welcome to The First 100 Days, a show for revenue practitioners by revenue practitioners, giving you unscripted access and exclusive resources to help you navigate any new transition or initiative. I'm your host, Trinity Nguyen from UserGems, and today's Keepin’ it 100 episode. I want to introduce you to UserGems’, latest edition Dozie Anyaegbunam who joined us to drive our content and social initiatives as someone who led comms and PR for Nigerian ease of doing business council to B2C brands like the angio, then to SaaS companies.
I'm curious what he thinks about building B2B brands today. From B2C to B2B, you've done both sides. So what do you think are the things that B2B brands or like marketing or content social in general need to think about so that they relate to their audience the better? Cause it seemed to me to see nails down to a science and B2B, still getting.
Dozie: That doesn't change. We can talk, we can put up all the funnels on stuff and try to try to use all the complex terms and product led growth and stuff. But in the end, it's a human being. Who's going to make that decision on the idea at the end, until I feel like. Currently right now, it's a good thing.
You're having more busy marketers who accept that you're talking to human beings. So there's so many lessons you can take from B2C, but in terms of storytelling would in terms of imagery, but in terms of the tactics we use, but in terms of just trying to be more conversational. So I think in terms of traditional, in terms of what marketers need to start thinking about, this is just saying to ourselves, if you spent some time just watching.
B2C ads, even just watching the ads, the ads, that one, I wasn't stopped as soon as you can take your brand. And that would cross content itself, like pure hard content, like case studies and stuff and writing and even social itself, because at the end, the fellow who's going to sign up for it. Who's going to sign up for your contract, the human being that you need time to.
Not just her revenue goals, but how it goes as a human being, as a professional, if you don't tie into those things, then you're wasting your time. And it's so funny because B2B sales seems like I've been doing that for a very long time. And it seems like marketing is just catching up. So be B2B sales people, I've always known that.
We are dealing with human beings here and we do treat them like human beings to get that deal across the line. Their B2B marketers don't seem to get it. And we've been acting as if we're dealing with robots through one long buying sales cycle. I mean, there's a sales cycle and all that, but in that sales cycle, human beings that are behaving in different ways that define what sales cycle will be very long or very short and all that stuff.
Trinity: Do you have a note of encouragement or insights to share? Email me and we'll get you on the show at podcast@usergems.com. Thanks for listening.