- For: Sales Development, Account Executives, Marketing
- UserGems leads evaluated your product in the past
- Their new role matches your target persona
1. Send notification via email or Slack to the account owner
Example Slack notification from UserGems:
đź’Ž UserGems: Past Open Opp Contact joined ICP account đź’Ž
Heads up! John Smith, who was part of an Open Opp with us while at PASTÂ COMPANY has joined COMPANY.
They might want to pick up the conversation with ACME at their new company.
Reach out with Past Open Opp Contact > Joined ICP Account sequence.
- Name: John Smith| New work email | LinkedIn URL
- Past company:
- Past title:
- Past relationship
- New company:
- New title:
- Job started date:
2. Auto-enroll the contact to sequenceÂ
Step 1 | Day 1 | Email
<div class="email-header">
<div>Back at PASTÂ COMPANY</div>
Hi {First Name} - Congrats on landing your new role!Â
Looks like you may have crossed paths with ACME while you back were at PAST COMPANY.
Does ACME ring a bell from your time there?
Either way, hoping all is well over at COMPANY.
Step 2 | Day 16 | Email
Tip: Research the previous opportunity that this person was involved in
Saw in our systems that you checked out ACME with PERSONÂ X at PASTÂ COMPANY -- is that right?
Curious if you'd be willing to share your thoughts / feedback from then?
A quick refresher: ACME helps [include a relevant customer story]
Optional tip: insert a video explaining your value prop/mini demo
Step 3 | Day 22 | Email
Tip: include personalized observation from their LinkedIn posts or company updates, and connect back to how your company can help
Since it looks like there was some interest while at PASTÂ COMPANY, would it be worth exploring ACMEÂ at COMPANY?
Step 4 | Day 22 | LinkedIn Follow or Connect
Step 5 | Day 22 | Call
Step 6 | Day 26 | Email
Tip: Insert humor GIFÂ or meme of your choice
Just like you, {First Name}, [insert problem statement that their roles usually face]
How ACMEÂ can help you:
‍[insert your messaging and link to relevant customer story or research study]
How you can help me:
If you think there could be interest at COMPANY, like there was at PASTÂ COMPANY, could we chat?
Step 7 | Day 26 | LinkedIn interact with post
Step 8 | Day 31 | Email
If you've had a moment to remember ACME, can you give me any pointers?
Like if ACMEÂ could be relevant to COMPANY's 2023 goals. [insert your value prop as a reminder]
Or maybe an introduction PERSONÂ Y, looks like they head up DEPARTMENT Z.
Or, even just some feedback on my outreach?
I'm all ears.
Step 9 | Day 33 | Call
Step 10 | Day 36 | Email
Tip: Insert some humor that ties in with your subject line & email
Totally get that you're busy. Just trying to gauge your interest on [insert your value prop] and if we can be of help.
Is it the wrong time or there's no interest?
P.S: [insert any incentive your company is offering]
Step 11 | Day 36 | LinkedIn interact with post
Step 12 | Day 39 | Call
Step 13 | Day 44 | Email
<div class="email-header">
<div>Did I overstep?</div>
Hi {First Name} -- hope that I didn't overstep your bounds. Since you evaluated us at PASTÂ COMPANY, thought it made sense to reach out.Â
I'm getting the feeling that now is not the best time to connect.
Leaving you with a [insert helpful company resources]
Let me know if I can ever be of help to you -- ACME related or not.
Take care,
Optional tip: insert humor (GIF or meme)